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Location Available in 1 Campus
  • BINUS @Kemanggisan
Length of Study 4 Years
Academic Title S.Ars.


The Architecture Study Program focuses on delivering graduates of architecture who are ready to work and are innovative since they are comprehensively educated supported by architectural digitization, scientific and multidisciplinary thinking. Furthermore, mastery in information technology becomes a value-added as a graduate of Architecture of BINUS UNIVERSITY.
Fostering and Empowering through global community development and sustainable innovation.



Hasanub Basriyah Herdi – Asymmetrical Daylight Control
DESIGN CONCEPT Asymmetrical daylight control well responds to the sun. This concept feature of sunshading transforms into a decorative element when illuminated, creating shadows that enhance the room’s atmosphere. The exterior facade mirrors this asymmetry and irregular shapes, serving as both a functional sun shading motif. Asymmetrical daylight control uses a curve attractor which produces […]
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Mayla Putri Marisca – Pixelated Ceiling with Attractor Point
DESIGN CONCEPT The use of Pixelated Ceiling is one of the interior design techniques that can be used to overcome several architectural problems or achieve certain goals in the space in a building. One of them is useful in terms of acoustic control, Pixelated Ceiling which is designed with acoustic considerations can control acoustics in […]
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Andhara Putri Rohmani – The Voronoi Lighthing Ceiling
DESIGN CONCEPT The inner garden requires natural illumination, achieved through a ceiling roof formed by two curve attractors that follow the corridor’s path. Both of two curve attractors make an extrusion with different dimension on ceiling. The voronoi holes pattern extrusion on ceiling serves a function as a sun path for plants, while the corridor’s […]
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Nicholas Gunadi Kwee – THE I-SOTOXAL STARS COVER
DESIGN CONCEPT Buildings have several important elements, one of which is the facade. This facade has one function as a secondary skin. The following is a secondary skin design application that is located at the terrace opening. The placement of this secondary skin is also very flexible, it can be on the outside of the […]
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Nada Nisrina Ananto – Parametric Wall Shelves
DESIGN CONCEPT These wall shelves are useful for storing items and also provide appealing room decoration. The unique hexagonal shape of the wall shelves gives them a contemporary, geometric look. The shelves’ overall harmony is improved by the parametric design. By using point attractor, a responsive system is created in which the shelves adjust their […]
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Jyutoku Mailoa – Attractor Point Skylight
DESIGN CONCEPT Using the same principle as honeycomb grid softbox lighting, the skylight above functions to break up the diffuse light from the sun to make it more directed. Voronoi serves as the basic form of skylight. Next, the shape is extruded to become taller to form the light shafts. Finally, the point attractor is […]
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    Final Project Lab
    BIM Lab
    Architecture Studio Class



  • Healthcare Architecture in India: Strategic Design Principles to Address the Urban-Rural Divide

  • Mesmerizing Zigzags: Exploring the Herringbone Pattern in Architecture

  • Revitalizing the Local Library: Diverse Functions to Drive Community Engagement





  • Chromotherapy Method in Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addict
    Research Year - 2024
    Completed Research
  • Cultural soundscape as intangible or tangible cultural heritage
    Research Year - 2023
    Completed Research
  • Indonesia Sustainability Architecture Index (ISAI)
    Research Year - 2023
    Completed Research
  • Pengembangan Sistem Kendali Pintar Otomatis Pada Gantry Crane Berbasis Machine Learning
    Research Year - 2023
    Completed Research
  • Business Model that Applicable for Heritage Building and Area in Indonesia
    Research Year - 2022
    Completed Research
  • Kinerja Floating PV pada Urban Aquaculture
    Research Year - 2023
    Current Research
  • Factors in Designing Secondary Skins for Residential Houses in The Tropics
    Research Year - 2023
    Completed Publication
  • Science and techno Park with the application of high-tech architecture concept in Tangerang
    Research Year - 2023
    Completed Publication
  • The Use of Local Wind Simulation in Healthcare Facilities for Disease Control
    Research Year - 2022
    Completed Publication
  • A Study on Sea Condition of Seribu Islands, Jakarta and the Potential of Floating PV Systems
    Research Year - 2021
    Completed Publication
  • The Impact of Sound Sources on Perception Dimensions in Indonesian Settlements Area
    Research Year - 2022
    Completed Publication
  • The Historical Soundscape Analysis of Fatahillah Square, Jakarta
    Research Year - 2020
    Completed Publication
  • National Guidelines for Digital Modelling
    Research Year - 2009
  • Generative Algorithms (using Grasshopper)
    Research Year - 2010
  • The Grasshopper Primer
    Research Year - 2009
  • 28 DESAIN RUMAH TINGKAT di Lahan Lebar 8 m
    Research Year - 2010
  • The New Mathematics of Architecture
    Research Year - 2012
  • Sustainable Architecture
    Research Year - 2016



  • Kesan Study Abroad Raissa di Sungkyunkwan University, Korea Selatan
    Study Abroad
  • Kata Mahira tentang Pengalaman Kuliahnya di Association Leonard de Vinci
    Study Abroad
  • Study Abroad Marina Suhandinata di INHA University
    Study Abroad
Data Not Found.
  • Aurel’s Internship Experience at QWA Architect, Malaysia
  • Lauda’s Internship Experience at Sinar Mas Land


  • Wulan Widayanti

    Binusian 2023 Pengalaman berkuliah arsitektur memberikan dasar pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknis yang diperlukan dalam dunia kerja, mulai dari belajar 3D model dan analisis desain. Saya dituntut untuk berpikir kreatif dan inovatif dalam menghasilkan desain bangunan yang unik dan juga fungsional. Sehingga ketika masuk ke dunia profesional saya sudah siap bekerja langsung di lapangan dan mengaplikasikan teori yang […]
  • Muhammad Rezi Megananda

    Binusian 2023 Bagaimana Jurusan Architecture membantu kamu dalam untuk mempersiapkan karier ke depannya? 1. Membantu saya untuk berpikir kreatif untuk memecahkan masalah, tantangan, dan hambatan di dunia kerja. 2. Banyak opportunity untuk kumpul sama teman, dosen, dan menelusuri lingkungan kampus, saya menjadi lebih jeli dalam melihat peluang. 3. Suasana kompetitif yang sehat di kelas memotivasi saya untuk […]
  • Joshi Noel P. Situmeang

    Binusian 2022 Selama menjalani kuliah arsitektur, banyak hal yang menjadi modal untuk mempersiapkan saya untuk karier, hal yang paling sering dijalani adalah presentasi hasil design kepada dosen dan teman kelas. Menerima kritik, masukan dari orang lain dan bagaimana cara membuat hasil karya menjadi lebih baik. Sebagai alumni Jurusan Architecture, saya merasa critical thinking dan creativity menjadi hal […]
  • Very Lorenzo

    Binusian 2021 Satu kalimat untuk menggambarkan proses yang saya lalui adalah “What an experience..”. Melalui Architecture BINUS University, saya mengerti pola berpikir dalam desain, merasakan pengalaman ruang, problem solving, dan tentunya dibantu dengan proses internship selama satu tahun, itu sangat membantu dalam mempersiapkan diri saya untuk terjun ke dunia pekerjaan. Banyak value yang di dapat, tetapi saya […]
  • Denny Setiawan

    Sebagai sebuah jurusan arsitektur yang terbilang muda usia dibanding universitas lain, arsitektur ubinus telah berhasil menghasilkan lulusan yang siap bekerja sebagai arsitek. Sebagai ?produk? arsitektur ubinus, saya merasa telah cukup dipersiapkan secara keilmuan dan praktikal sebagai arsitek. Dengan segala kekurangan dan kelebihannya, saya berharap arsitektur ubinus terus maju untuk menghasilkan arsitek-arsitek yang akan menandai zaman […]
  • Fajar Judadi

    Saya senang telah memilih Jurusan Arsitektur di UBiNus. Dunia arsitektur sangat menyenangkan bagi saya. Berbagai ilmu, metode, teknik, dan filosofi yang telah saya pelajari serta pengalaman-pengalaman yang saya dapat, pasti akan sangat berguna dalam kehidupan saya setelah lulus. Arsitektur telah membuka pikiran saya menjadi lebih luas. Jurusan Arsitektur di UBiNus merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk […]
  • Paskalis Khrisno Ayodyantoro

    Arsitektur Binus Membentuk saya bukan hanya bagaimana menghasilkan ruang, namun rasa, eksplorasi, jalan menuju kreatifitas dan probabilitas beribu kemungkinan alternatif desain melalui eksplorasi digital yang terus berkembang. Untuk menghasilkan arsitek dengan daya yang lebih, peka terhadap masalah, bagaimana mengadopsi kekuatan dunia (digital) sekarang, dan berdiri menghadapi jaman yang terus berubah, Binus University bisa menjadi pilihan […]
  • Rudin

    Suatu Jurusan dapat dinilai berhasil jika dapat menghasilkan para lulusan yang siap menghadapi persaingan dan perkembangan di dunia praktis. Didukung oleh Tenaga Pengajar terbaik dan berpengalaman dibidangnya, dengan fasilitas dan sistem komunikasi berbasis komputerisasi, Fakultas Science & Technology jurusan Arsitektur Univ. Bina nusantara ternyata telah mampu memperisapkan saya untuk menghadapinya.


Does Architecture BINUS program have collaborative relationships with industry?

Bosch Rexroth
Studio ArsitektropiS
PT Airmas Asri
PT Dekoruma Inovasi Lestari
PT Grhacipta Arsitama Mandiri
PT Rangkai Kreativitas Indonesia
PT Quantum Globalindo
Dana Indonesia
Catalog Pro Indonesia
EON Reality
Fourth Valley
Green Building Council Indonesia
Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia
DPRKP Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Curtin University
Sungkyunkwan University
Prince Sultan University
Trisakti University
IE University
Taylor’s University
Singapore Polytechnic
Asian Pacific University (APU) Malaysia
UIN Walisongo
Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana, Yogyakarta
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

What career will I have?

The graduate of the architecture program will have covered subjects such as Planning and Design, Construction Structure, Project Management, Property Management, Interior and mastery of Information Technology.

The graduate of Architecture has the choice of a range of professions including :

  1. Education : Lecturer and instructor
  2. Consultant : Architect, Designer
  3. Builder : Engineer
  4. Construction Management : Construction Management
  5. Banking : Credit Analyst (Appraisal)
  6. Property : Building Manager, Marketing, Real Estate Manager.
  7. Research and Development : Researcher, Scientist, Inventor
  8. Information Technology : 3D Animator, Multimedia Designer
  9. Interior : Interior Designer
  10. Developer : Planner
  11. Independent Business : Freelance Architect
  12. Media (Printed or Electronic media) : Architecture Journalist, Writer, Editor

What are the courses taught in the architecture department?

Course Structure for Binusian 2028

Sem Code Course Name SCU Total
1 CHAR6013014 Character Building: Pancasila 2 20
ARCH6042014 Architectural Design I1&2 (AOL) 4
ARCH6018014 Building Technology I1(AOL) 4
ARCH6120014 Design Thinking I1(AOL) 2
ARCH6121014 Architectural History1(AOL) 2
ARCH6001014 Introduction to Architecture1(AOL) 2
ARCH6061014 Sustainable Architecture1&2(AOL) 2
ARCH6122014 Computational Architecture1(AOL) 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
2 CHAR6014014 Character Building: Kewarganegaraan 2 20
COSC6011014 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 2
ARCH6043014 Architectural Design II1&2(AOL) 4
ARCH6019014 Building Technology II1(AOL) 4
ARCH6123014 Design Thinking II1&2(AOL) 2
ARCH6003014 Building Physics1(AOL) 2
ARCH6051014 Urban Architecture1(AOL) 2
ARCH6096014 Architectural Research Methods1(AOL) 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
3 CHAR6015014 Character Building: Agama 2 20
ENTR6510001 Entrepreneurship: Prototyping 2
ARCH6026014 Architectural Design III1&2 (AIE&AOL) 6
ARCH6020014 Building Technology III1 (AIE&AOL) 4
ARCH6124014 Design Thinking III1(AOL) 2
ARCH6139014 Site Planning1&2(AOL) 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
4 LANG6027014 Indonesian 2 18
ENTR6511001 Entrepreneurship: Market Validation 2
ARCH6045014 Architectural Design IV1&2 (AIE&AOL) 6
ARCH6021014 Building Technology IV1 (AIE&AOL) 4
ARCH6125014 Design Thinking IV1&2(AOL) 2
ARCH6142014 Building Information Modelling Project1 (AIE) 2
Foreign Language Courses 0
5 ARCH6143014 Architectural Design V1&2(AOL) 4 24
Stream: Architectural Streaming
ARCH6040014 Seminar1 4
ARCH6144014 Digital Construction1 4
ARCH6076014 Project Management1 (AIE) 2
ARCH6145014 Property Assessment1 2
ARCH6146014 Interior Architecture1(AOL) 4
Elective Course for Stream
ARCH6128014 Multimedia in Design Presentation1 4
ARCH6129014 Urban Housing 4
ARCH6147014 Behavior in Architecture 4
ARCH6131014 Architectural Conservation 4
ARCH6136014 Tropical Architecture2 4
Minor Program 20
Free Electives 20
Multidisciplinary Stream 20
6 Enrichment Program I 20 20
7 Enrichment Program II 20 20
8 ARCH6137014 Final Project 6 6
1) This course is delivered in English 2) Global Learning System Course For 5th Semester: 1)   Conducted for student mobility program in BINUS @Bandung 2)   Conducted for student mobility program in BINUS @Malang -) AOL - Assurance of Learning Process System -) AIE - Artificial Intelligence Embedded Course   Streaming/Minor/Free Electives: -) For 5th Semester: Students are required to choose one of the streamings/ minor program/free electives/ cross streaming.   Foreign Language Courses: Students will take foreign language courses according to BINUS University English proficiency test results. See foreign language courses appendix for the details. Students must pass with a minimum Grade of C. Enrichment Program I (6th Semester) & Enrichment Program II (7th Semester): -) Student will take one of enrichment program tracks (off campus). See enrichment appendix for the tracks detail. Enrichment Track Scheme
  Track Semester 6 Semester 7
1 v v
2 v v
3 v v
4 v v
5 v v
6 v v
7 v v
8 v v
9 v v
10 v v
11 v v
Note: IN        : Internship RS       : Research EN       : Entrepreneurship CD      : Community Development SA       : Study Abroad IS        : Certified Specific Independent Study etc       : Study Program Special Purposes Description: Student will take one of enrichment program tracks  

What is Architecture BINUS program?

The Architecture Study Program focuses on delivering graduates of architecture who are ready to work and are innovative since they are comprehensively educated and supported by architectural digitization, and scientific and multidisciplinary thinking.

The subjects of the core curriculum are based on several competencies such as Personal Development, Science and Skills, Working Expertise, Working Behavior, and Community Involvement. The required minimum credits that must be taken are 146 credits. This curriculum will allow the opportunity to increase the knowledge and technology in architecture, to provide knowledge for those who want to be an entrepreneur in architectural work, and to pursue professional education or further studies in the master program (S2) and doctorate program (S3).

Furthermore, mastery in information technology becomes a value-added as a graduate of Architecture of BINUS UNIVERSITY.

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