Interior AI is a new platform that helps users generate new styles and even new functions for their interior spaces. The program uses the input of a 2D image of an interior space, be it a picture found on the internet or a photograph taken by the user. It can then modify this picture to fit one of the 16 preselected styles, ranging from Minimalist, Art nouveau, or Biophilic to Baroque or Cyberpunk. The program also allows users to select a different function for the room, kitchen, home office, outdoor patio, or even fitness gym, thus creating a completely new interior design.

This can be seen as a step forward from other platforms and technologies, helping users find new ideas and inspiration for improving their homes. If websites such as Pinterest enable people to discover new ideas that can be implemented in their homes, machine learning technologies, such as AI image generators, could bridge the gap and visualize the interventions in the actual space. Other systems, like the Ikea Place App, use augmented reality technologies. This uses smartphone cameras and overlayed 3D images to present how an object would look in a space.

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