
Traditionally, architecture courses have been divided into two types: those that offer a more technical approach to the profession and those with a theoretical focus. For many years, the School of Architecture at UIC has been making efforts to implement a practical component to all the classes that fall under the Área de Pensamiento (Thought Department) with a curriculum that can teach students the immediate usefulness of theory in an architect’s own design process.

The course is composed of two complementary sections. In one part, art theorist and historian Alfons Puigarnau gives lectures that uncover different design strategies through formal composition analysis of the elements created by Hitchcock. At the same time, architect Ignacio Infiesta develops the practical part of the course, which is based on creating graphic representations that embody the idea of suspense in architectural space.

Architecture and Suspense: An Added Emotion for Designing

Leaving the space in suspenseThis may be one of the more significant aspects of cinema that can contribute to architecture at the time of imagining/creating intensely emotional spaces. Hitchcock lays out architectural space like a model, in which the psychological content of a movie and the choreography of its dramatic movements are represented. [2]. In the class, the films undergo a deep analysis to help the students develop architectural concepts that utilize strategies of suspense.

(Read more) Via Archdaily